Welcome to the site of the Bristol Salon of Photography, one of the UK’s leading International Exhibitions.

Frequently Asked Questions

These are the answers to some of the question topics we have received. If you cannot find the answer to your own question, please email the Salon Chairman.

Click on the topic to expand to see FAQ within the topic.

Why has Bristol Salon not replied to my email?
I have not received the confirmation email, why is this?
When can I expect to receive my report card?
When can I expect to receive my catalogue?
When can I expect to receive any award I might have won?
My email and/or postal address have changed. What should I do?

Why has Bristol Salon not replied to my email?

We try to answer emails within 24 hours. However, as we get near to the closing date it might take a little longer owing to the huge volume of entries that come in at that time. So please be patient, we will reply.

I have not received the confirmation email, why is this?

There are two possible reasons why your confirmation email has not arrived. The first is that you did not fill in your email address correctly. The second may be that your anti-spam software has treated it as suspicious and moved it to a ‘Quarantine’ or Junk E-Mail folder. Please check that folder before contacting us for help. To avoid such problems, add BPS@PhotoCompEntries.net  to your list of trusted domains. Your confirmation email will be sent once your entry has been downloaded from the entry system, this may take up to 24 hours.  If your confirmation does not arrive within 24 hours of submitting your entry then please email the Salon Chairman to check that your entry has been received.

When can I expect to receive my report card?

Emails containing your results will be sent to all entrants within one week of the judging using the email address provided with your entry.  If you have not received your email by then, please check your Junk E-Mail folder. If you have still not received it, please email the Salon Chairman. Report cards will not be posted.

When can I expect to receive my catalogue?

Catalogues and awards will be posted by 01 May 2023 and will be sent by surface mail. Please allow enough time for postal delays before contacting us about missing catalogues. For example, mail can take up to 12 weeks to reach Australia and 8 weeks for China.

When can I expect to receive any award I might have won?

Awards will be posted with the catalogues.

My email and/or postal address have changed. What should I do?

Please let us know as soon as possible by emailing the Salon Chairman.

What is the file naming format?
Does size matter?
Do images lose quality when submitted online?
What happens if I enter an image that is smaller than 1600 x 1200 pixels?
Mono Images – What PSA Division will my images accepted in the Mono Section be credited to?
What PSA Divisions will my images qualify in for Star awards?

What is the file naming format?​

There is no special file name format required. There are two boxes on the entry form for each image; the Image Title is how you want the image title to appear in the catalogue, the File Name is automatically filled in when you browse to the file on your PC. Please do not use all Capitals for your title.

Does size matter?

Yes it does. It is important that images are saved as .jpg and that they are saved at no more that 1600 pixels wide (horizontal) x 1200 pixels high (vertical) 5 Mb maximum size. Virtually all problems encountered by entrants are caused by images being too large.

Do images lose quality when submitted online?

There is no loss in quality when images are submitted online.

What happens if I enter an image that is smaller than 1600 x 1200 pixels?

If you submit an image smaller than the recommended size it will not fill the screen when projected. This will not affect the judging as a “good little one” is always better than a “poor big one”. However, because it projects smaller it is unlikely to be included in the public showings of the accepted images.

Mono Images – What PSA Division will my images accepted in the Mono Section be credited to?

Images accepted in the Mono Section will count towards distinctions in the PSA PID Mono Division

What PSA Divisions will my images qualify in for Star awards?

Images will qualify for Star awards in the following PSA Divisions:

  • Open Colour PDI: PSA Projected Image Division – Color Division
  • Open Monochrome PDI: PSA Projected Image Division – Monochrome Division
  • Nature PDI: PSA Nature Division
  • Open Colour Prints: PSA Pictorial Print Division – Colour
  • Open Monochrome Prints: PSA Pictorial Print Division – Monochrome
  • Nature Prints: PSA Nature Division

Will the closing date be extended?
I do not have a User Name or Password to log in to the Salon website
Can I have a copy of the entry form sent to me by post?
Can I email my entry form and images to the Salon?
Can I use my own entry form?
I am part of a group entry, do I need to do anything differently?
Is entry restricted to FIAP, PSA, GPU or PAGB members only?
If I enter monochrome images in the Open Class will they be judged separately?
How do I know that my entry has been successfully uploaded?
I have entered the Salon but my name does not appear on the status list.
I want to change one or more of my images, can I email them?
I made a mistake in my entry, what should I do?
Can my entry be passed on to other exhibitions?
I need help submitting my entry.
I want to change one of my images or titles
When I try to upload images I get an Error Message (after a long wait) that says Internal Server Error, or a 404 Not Found error was encountered or another similar message.

Will the closing date be extended?

The closing date is midnight on 31 January 2023. Because of the amount of work we then have to do to prepare for selection, there will be NO extension of this time.

I do not have a User Name or Password to log in to the Salon website​

You do not need a User Name and Password to access the Salon website (www.bristolsalon.co.uk). If you wish to enter the Salon then when you connect to the entry system you will need to enter your email address and details as the first step of the process.

Can I have a copy of the entry form sent to me by post?

Sorry, there are no printed versions of the Entry Form available, all entries MUST be made on line

Can I email my entry form and images to the Salon?


Can I use my own entry form?​

No, only official Bristol Salon entry forms will be accepted. If you use your own form we would only have to transfer the information to an official form to get the information into our system.

I am part of a group entry, do I need to do anything differently?

Entries for all entrants that are part of a group must be made by the group owner. The group owner will have been sent detailed instructions on the process. If an entrant makes their own entry then they will be considered outside the group and therefore will not receive the group discount.

Is entry restricted to FIAP, PSA, GPU or PAGB members only?

No, entry is open to everyone.

If I enter monochrome images in the Open Class will they be judged separately?

There are two Open Classes in each media. One for Colour Images and one for Monochrome. All images in each class are judged together. Monochrome images may not be entered into the Colour Class, nor Colour images into the Monochrome Class.

How do I know that my entry has been successfully uploaded?

After you have pressed the Submit button you will automatically be sent an email within 24 hours confirming that your entry has been received. This email will confirm your personal details (name, photo honours, address etc) and list the titles of your entered images. It will also contain thumbnails of your uploaded images to check that you have submitted the correct images with your titles. Please check this carefully.

I have entered the Salon but my name does not appear on the status list.

The status list is not updated automatically; we have to do it manually. However, we try to update it on a daily basis which means that your name can take up to 24 hours to appear on the list. It may occasionally take a little longer but we try to minimise the number of times this may happen.

I want to change one or more of my images, can I email them?

No, for the procedure, see the answer below to the question “I want to change one of my image titles”.

I made a mistake in my entry, what should I do?

You can correct any of your personal details, or change images and/or titles by re-entering the online entry system prior to the closing date. If you make changes then you will receive a new confirmation email containing your revised entry,

Can my entry be passed on to other exhibitions?

No, but your prints can be forwarded to the UK Midlands International Salon at no cost. You will need to indicate you wish to do this in the entry system and of course you will have to make your entry to the Midland Salon using their entry system. The Midland Salon is the next salon in the sequence of UK Salons that allow prints to be forwarded. The other Salons (in order) are the Smethwick International and finally the Southampton International.

I want to change one of my images or titles

You will need to go back in to the Salon Entry System where you originally submitted your entry. If your email address is not already shown, enter it (make sure it is the same email address used for the initial entry). Once you have pressed ‘next’ you will be able to change your personal details eg address or distinctions. After pressing ‘next’ again you will be asked (for each section) whether you wish to modify your entry, or enter new sections. You will be able to remove existing images, add new ones, or change titles in each section. Once you have completed your changes a new confirmation email will be sent within 24 hours.

When I try to upload images I get an Error Message (after a long wait) that says Internal Server Error, or a 404 Not Found error was encountered or another similar message.

The possible cause of this problem is in your image file name (not the image title). Check to see if the file name contains an apostrophe (‘) or an equals (=) sign. These characters in a file name can cause your browser to stop working correctly and create the error messages you are seeing. Examples of wrong file names are The boy’s dog.jpg or money=joy.jpg – both of these files would be rejected by your browser and cause the system to fail.

My Nature images were taken in a zoo, raptor centre or game farm, can I enter them?
My Nature images were taken in an African game reserve, can I enter them?

My Nature images were taken in a zoo, raptor centre or game farm, can I enter them?

Yes, we now operate the combined PSA & FIAP Nature Definitions – please see the Conditions of Entry

My Nature images were taken in an African game reserve, can I enter them?

Yes. Although in the broadest sense of the word, the animals are restrained, the area is so large and the animals are not controlled, so they live in totally wild conditions.

Why have I not received the confirmation email?
Some of the details/titles on my confirmation email are not correct.

Why have I not received the confirmation email?

There are two possible reasons why your confirmation email has not arrived. The first is that you did not fill in your email address correctly. The second may be that your anti-spam software has treated it as suspicious and moved it to a ‘Quarantine’ or Junk E-Mail folder. Please check that folder before contacting us for help. To avoid such problems, add BPS@PhotoCompEntries.net to your list of trusted domains.

Your confirmation email should arrive within 24 hours of the entry being completed. If it does not arrive within this period then please email the Salon Chairman to check that your entry has been received.

Some of the details/titles on my confirmation email are not correct.​

You can correct any details in your entry form, or change images. For the procedure, see the answer below to the question “I want to change one of my images or titles”.

I don’t have a PayPal account. Can I still enter online?
I don’t have a PayPal account or a debit/credit card. Can I still enter online?
How do I know what fee to pay?
What happens if I submit an entry but do not send a fee?

I don’t have a PayPal account. Can I still enter online?

Yes. Our online entry process will take you directly to the PayPal website but you do not have to pay via a PayPal account; you can also use a current credit or debit card.

I don’t have a PayPal account or a debit/credit card. Can I still enter online?

It is perfectly acceptable for someone else, such as a friend or another member of your family, to make the PayPal payment on your behalf. If you do this please make sure that we know who is paying for your entry by emailing the Salon Chairman with your details, and the PayPal transaction number.

How do I know what fee to pay?

When you submit your online entry, the entry system will automatically work out the fee due and it will be shown on the screen and in your confirmation email.

What happens if I submit an entry but do not send a fee?

We will email you to let you know that we have received an entry without a fee and tell you how to pay. If the fee is not received by the closing date, your entry will be withdrawn. There are NO exceptions to this.

Contact Us

Please complete all the fields in the form below to get in contact with the Bristol Salon Team, who will endeavor to get back to you as soon as we can.