Below you can find a list of the awarded images from this years Bristol Salon.
To view the gallery for this year’s Bristol Salon by clicking here.
Print – Open Colour
PSA Gold medal – Sheelagh Davidson LRPS BPE2* (England) | Only in My Dreams
FIAP Gold medal – Richard Sheldrake LRPS CPAGB (England) | Aurora Borealis, Vestrahorn, Iceland
GPU Gold medal – Mike Sharples MPAGB MFIAP EFIAP FBPE (England) | George Gregorys Parlour
PAGB Gold medal – Adrian Lines (England) | Midnight Escape
PSA Silver medal – David Wheeler MFIAP EFIAP/d3 BPE5* DPAGB (England) | Cleaning the Smokebox
FIAP Silver medal – John Sheridan AFIAP FIPF (Ireland) | Horse Man
GPU Silver medal – Peter Wyles LRPS CPAGB AWPF BPE2 (England) | Hokkaido Dawn
PAGB Silver medal – Phillip Kwan FRPS GMPSA/g EFIAP/g (Canada) | Wheelchair BB Mexico
PSA Bronze medal – Paul Hassell FRPS FBPE MPAGB FIPF (England) | Ancestors
FIAP Bronze medal – Lorna Hayton DPAGB AFIAP (Scotland) | Ballerina
GPU Bronze medal – Sebastian Ionut Prioteasa (Romania) | Palilula
Martin Fry’s Choice > Richard Sheldrake LRPS CPAGB (England) | Knowlton Church Frosty Sunrise
Andrew Marker’s Choice > Shirley Davis CPAGB EPSA (England) | The Underpass
Ian Whiston’s Choice > Siu Chuen Young FRPS AFIAP (Hong Kong) | Portrait in Black 02
Chairman’s Award – Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Gelada Baboons Grooming
BPS Members’ Award – Derwood Pamphilon ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB (England) | Graceful
Honourable Mention
Werner W. Becker EFIAP (Germany) | Window Cleaner
Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2* (England) | Grass Track Jack
Carole Brown LRPS AFIAP (England) | Manhattan Twilight
Lorna Brown FRPS DPAGB EFIAP (England) | Storm over Assynt
Graham Clegg LRPS DPAGB BPE3* AFIAP (England) | Eye Contact
Sheelagh Davidson LRPS BPE2* (England) | Good Companions
Monica Doshi AFIAP DPAGB BPE2* (England) | Max Whitlock on Pommel Horse
Sally Hammond LRPS DPAGB BPE1* (England) | The Charcoal Burner
Paul Hassell FRPS FBPE MPAGB FIPF (England) | The Gentleman
Andreas Herrmann (Switzerland) | A Star of Water
Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE5* (England) | Prairie Sisters
Sue O’Connell FIPF MPSA EFIAP/d3 ABPE (England) | Blue Boy
John Simpson BPE3* CPAGB (England) | Barn Aurora
Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Little Tough Mudder
Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Old West Pier at Sunset
Carole Wetherley CPAGB BPE2* (England) | The Wizard
Peter Wyles LRPS CPAGB AWPF BPE2 (England) | A Little Strop
Print – Open Monochrome
PSA Gold medal – Paul Hassell FRPS FBPE MPAGB FIPF (England) | Family
FIAP Gold medal – Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE5* (England) | Gossamer Dancer
GPU Gold medal – Mike Sharples MPAGB MFIAP EFIAP FBPE (England) | Nikolei
PAGB Gold medal – Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/d3 MPSA GPUZeus (England) | Elegance in Splendour
PSA Silver medal – Bob Goode ARPS EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE3* (England) | Light and Shade
FIAP Silver medal – Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Flying Rugby Tackle
GPU Silver medal – John Sheridan AFIAP FIPF (Ireland) | Bible Time
PAGB Silver medal – David Wheeler MFIAP EFIAP/d3 BPE5* DPAGB (England) | Cornered
PSA Bronze medal – Jane Lines MPAGB LRPS AWPF (England) | All Souls
FIAP Bronze medal – Jane Lines MPAGB LRPS AWPF (England) | The Turkish Goat Herder
GPU Bronze medal – Sharatchandra H C (India) | Pelican Profile
PAGB: Bronze medal – Stephen Jones DPAGB LRPS EFIAP BPE3* (England) | Boutique Hotel
Chairman’s Award – Tom Richardson ARPS EFIAP/p ABPE DPAGB (England) | The Pylon
BPS Members’ Award – Peter Brisley EFIAP BPE2* DPAGB (England) | Wildebeest Confusion
David Lowe’s Choice > Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Lion Trio
Mike Martin’s Choice > Suzanne Parsons LRPS (England) | No Shelter Here
John Tilsley’s Choice > David Moyes AFIAP (Scotland) | Trocadero
Honourable Mention
Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2* (England) | Horse Power
Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2* (England) | Triple-Owlet
Sheelagh Davidson LRPS BPE2* (England) | The Travellers
Colin Dixon EFIAP/b CPAGB (England) | Art Nude Audition Room
Bryan Griffiths BPE2* (Wales) | The Boxer
Willem Halbach EFIAP/g AAPS (Netherlands) | Between Concrete 18
Adrian Lines (England) | Horse Whisperer
Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/d3 MPSA GPUZeus (England) | Turkish Villager in Doorway
Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/d3 MPSA GPUZeus (England) | Village Baker
David Moyes AFIAP (Scotland) | Across the River
Dianne Owen (England) | The-Dish
Mike Sharples MPAGB MFIAP EFIAP FBPE (England) | Sisters
Mike Sharples MPAGB MFIAP EFIAP FBPE (England) | Wheelwright
Richard Sheldrake LRPS CPAGB (England) | Icelandic Pony in Snowstorm
Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Pensive Ethiopian Man
Graeme Wales ARPS CPAGB BPE2* (England) | Rain Stops Play
Print – Nature
PSA Gold medal – Ian Mitchell MPAGB PPSA ARPS EFIAP (Scotland) | Growling Pine Marten
FIAP Gold medal – Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Cheetah Siblings Playfighting
GPU Gold medal – Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Hoopoe Feeding Young
PAGB Gold medal – Gianpiero Ferrari FRPS EFIAP DPAGB FBPE (England) | Small Apollos on Bearded Bellflowers
PSA Silver medal – Sharatchandra H C (India) | Lioness with Two Cubs
FIAP Silver medal – David Rowlands EFIAP PPSA (Australia) | Bat Drinking Water
GPU Silver medal – Suzanne Parsons LRPS (England) | Glanville Fritilleries Mating
PAGB Silver medal – Rosemary Gillies CPAGB ARPS AFIAP (Scotland) | Pink Anemone Fish, Philippines
PSA Bronze medal – Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Starling Squabble
FIAP Bronze medal – Sharatchandra H C (India) | Jird Mating
GPU Bronze medal – Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | European Roller Landing
PAGB: Bronze medal – Gianpiero Ferrari FRPS EFIAP DPAGB FBPE (England) | Lesser Marbled Fritillary on Scabious
Chairman’s Award – Vinay BV (India) | Hop Skip and Jump
BPS Members’ Award – Gerald Gill LRPS (England) | Avocet Defending His Teritory
Shaun Boycott-Taylor’s Choice > Robert Holgate (England) | Territorial Challenge
Mike Lane’s Choice > Adrian Langdon ARPS DPAGB (England) | Cory’s Shearwater
Ian Whiston’s Choice > John Simpson BPE3* CPAGB (England) | Elephant Family Stroll
Honourable Mention
Mike Bews LRPS EFIAP (England) | Pine Chafer Beetle
Wade Buchan EFIAP/b PPSA (Australia) | Leopard Baby Impala Kill
Susan Carter AFIAP CPAGB BPE1* (Wales) | Protection on the Mara
John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE APAGB (England) | Imperial Eagle
John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE APAGB (England) | Warthogs Drinking
Somdutt Prasad EPSA GPU-CR2 GPU-VIP2 ER-ISF (England) | Hunter
Kim Pheng Sim MPSA EFIAP (Singapore) | Laying Eggs 03
Michael Windle MPAGB ARPS (England) | Arctic Fox Resting
Lin Wyles LRPS CPAGB BPE3* AWPF (England) | Coupled Flesh Flies
Digital – Open Colour
PSA Gold medal – Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2* (England) | Match Point Murray
FIAP Gold medal – Derek Crunkhorn LRPS CPAGB BPE3* (England) | Climb High Above the Clouds
GPU Gold medal – Jussi Helimaki EFIAP/b (Finland) | Misty Morning Near the River
PAGB Gold medal – Adrian Donoghue (Australia) | The Babysitter
PSA Silver medal – Dennis Gilman BPE2* (England) | Descent Into Morpheus’s Realm
FIAP Silver medal – Aamir Sabzwari DPAGB (England) | Coming-Up-For-Air-2
GPU Silver medal – Bandara Pandula EFIAP/b GMPSA (Sri Lanka) | Burning
PAGB Silver medal – David Wheeler MFIAP EFIAP/d3 BPE5* DPAGB (England) | Seeking Redemption
PSA Bronze medal – Shelley Knight LRPS (Scotland) | Storm over Breakwater
FIAP Bronze medal – Steve Proctor EPAGB BPE5* PPSA (England) | Ballet Pupeteer
GPU Bronze medal – Steve Smith (Canada) | Dust Up
PAGB Bronze medal – Lynda Haney EFIAP EPAGB FBPE (England) | Mothers Love
Martin Fry’s Choice > Alison Dean LRPS BPE3* (England) | Snow Walk
Andrew Marker’s Choice > Hazel Price BPE1* PSA3* (Wales) | Bude Sea Pool
Ian Whiston’s Choice > Im Kai Leong EFIAP/b EPSA (Macao) | Ukraine Beauty 13
Chairman’s Award – Alex McNaughton CPAGB (Scotland) | Passing Through
BPS Members Award – Derwood Pamphilon ARPS EFIAP/b DPAGB (England) | Floating
Honourable Mention
Davide Agnelli ARPS AFIAP (Wales) | Low Tide St. Ives
Rowshan Akhter EFIAP/d1 MPSA APSA (United States) | Labor Working in a Waste Land 0008
Garik Avanesian MFIAP EFIAP/s (Czech Republic) | Man from Varanasi 0425
Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2* (England) | I Do Like to Be Beside the Seaside
Weimin Bian (China) | Good Wine from Our Hands
Cyril James Boyd EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE4* MPSA (Northern Ireland) | Sweep Away the Ball
Wade Buchan EFIAP/b PPSA (Australia) | National Road Hill Climb
Andrew Buckley (England) | Medieval Soldier
Simon Caplan LRPS (England) | Dreaming of Autumn’s Return
Lorraine Clifton ARPS EFIAP BPE2* (England) | Seaside Reflection
Andrew Colgan AFIAP (England) | Southwold Pier at Blue Hour
Adrian Donoghue (Australia) | Opening Night
John Gaffney (England) | Aurora over Gulfoss
Francisco Javier Fernández GÃ3mez (Spain) | Musac
Willem Halbach EFIAP/g AAPS (Netherlands) | Eindeloos
Bill Hall EFIAP DPAGB FBPE (England) | On the Nose
Lynda Haney EFIAP EPAGB FBPE (England) | Keeper of Wolves
Lynda Haney EFIAP EPAGB FBPE (England) | Bringing Home the Sheep
Lynda Haney EFIAP EPAGB FBPE (England) | Ice Maiden
Liz Hardley EFIAP/p EPSA LRPS (New Zealand) | Coco Flying
Lorna Hayton DPAGB AFIAP (Scotland) | Crash
Jussi Helimaki EFIAP/b (Finland) | Bluish Day in December
Carol Hyett LRPS AFIAP (England) | Passing by
Wendy Irwin ARPS AFIAP CPAGB BPE2* (England) | The Fortune Teller
Barbara Jenkin EFIAP/d3 GMPSA/p ARPS BPE4* (England) | Pastelle Skye
Shengfu Jiao AFIAP GPUCROWN1 (China) | Angry Horse
Paul Yealand Kalfayan ARPS EFIAP PPSA BPSA (England) | The White Shoes
Andrew Katsampes (United States) | Medford 2015(2638)
Doug King (England) | Burnham Blue Hour
Min Li (China) | Tribal Children
Adrian Lines (England) | Night Rider
Maria Macklin (England) | A Levis Story
Christine Mallett EFIAP/b (England) | The Face of Experience
Kenny McLean CPAGB BPE2* AFIAP (Scotland) | Cat in the Hat
Alex McNaughton CPAGB (Scotland) | Glasgow Science Centre
Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE5* (England) | A Mother’s Love
Carol McNiven Young FRPS EFIAP/s DPAGB BPE5* (England) | Twenties’ Decadence
Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/d3 MPSA GPUZeus (England) | Adelaide Omitowoju
Jim Munday EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE3* (England) | Storm Noa at Newhaven
Martin Patz AFIAP (Luxembourg) | Waterfront
Renate Peck AFIAP (Austria) | Prebersee 02
Manfred Pillik EFIAP (Austria) | Am Seitpferd
Andy Polakowski DPAGB EFIAP/p GPU-Cr3 GPU-VIP2 (Wales) | Eyeballs Out in the Rain
Alireza Pourkhan EFIAP (United Arab Emirates) | In the Library
Alireza Pourkhan EFIAP (United Arab Emirates) | Dbimrna NR2
Sebastian Ionut Prioteasa (Romania) | Morning Mist
Steve Proctor EPAGB BPE5* PPSA (England) | Majesty
Christopher Rogers CPAGB (England) | The Final Gate
Mike Sharples MPAGB MFIAP EFIAP FBPE (England) | Brothers to the Revolution
Mike Sharples MPAGB MFIAP EFIAP FBPE (England) | My Sisters New Brush
Pete Smith EFIAP/b BPE5 DPAGB (England) | I Have My Eye on You
Trevor Swann CPAGB (England) | Prayer
Peter Turner MFIAP EFIAP/d3 BPE5* DPAGB (England) | Blue Chairs
Michelle Walker BPE1* (England) | Sebastian
Nigel Wells LRPS BPE1* (England) | Determination
David Wheeler MFIAP EFIAP/d3 BPE5* DPAGB (England) | Table Top Pose
Janice Wilding (Wales) | Pink Peonies
Digital – Open Monochrome
PSA Gold Medal – Lynda Haney EFIAP EPAGB FBPE (England) | Tiger Mum and Cubs
FIAP Gold medal – Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2* (England) | Take That
GPU Gold medal – Luigi De Rosa (Italy) | Sotto La Pioggia
PAGB Gold medal – David Lyon EFIAP/p DPAGB BPE4* (England) | A White Knuckle Ride
PSA Silver medal – Simon Beynon CPAGB BPE2* (England) | Take Off
FIAP Silver medal – Rania Balachouti EFIAP/b (Greece) | The Grand Canal
GPU Silver medal – Mike Troth (England) | How to Escape This Life
PAGB Silver medal – Andrew Buckley (England) | Wintering Trio
PSA: Bronze medal – Oleksii Konchenko AFIAP (Ukraine) | Ghost of Tortilla 2
FIAP Bronze medal – Paul Hassell FRPS FBPE MPAGB FIPF (England) | Zion Aserie on Rings
GPU Bronze medal – Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/d3 MPSA GPUZeus (England) | Sanna Veerman on Uneven Bars
PAGB Bronze medal – Paul Hassell FRPS FBPE MPAGB FIPF (England) | A Veterans Sacrifice
David Lowe’s Choice > Alan Young EFIAP/d3 FRPS ABPE DPAGB (England) | Ramphadi Returns
Mike Martin’s Choice > Sue Riach ARPS AFIAP APSNZ (New Zealand) | Secret Surfer
John Tilsley’s Choice > George Reekie DPAGB ABPE (England) | Griffon Vulture Portrait
Chairman’s Award – Oleksii Konchenko AFIAP (Ukraine) | 28 Days Later
BPS Members’ Award – Rachel Domleo EFIAP CPAGB (England) | Morning Commute
Honourable Mention
Gill Brett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* (England) | Turning Japanese
Laurie Campbell FIPF DPAGB BPE4* (Northern Ireland) | Beauty in Decay
Junjie Chen (China) | Pastoral for the Prairie
Kunping Chen (China) | Joyous People and Jumping Fish
Sue Critchlow ARPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* (England) | Please Go Away!
Sue Critchlow ARPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* (England) | Flossie with Game Bag
Sue Critchlow ARPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* (England) | Float My Boat
Alison Dean LRPS BPE3* (England) | Nature Study
Chris Evans AWPF BPE2 (Wales) | A Museum Piece
Kevin Faulkner (England) | Taking Her for a Gin
Paul Fowlie AFIAP (England) | Brown Hare
Peter Gennard MFIAP EFIAP/d3 (England) | Dangerous Passage
Peter Gennard MFIAP EFIAP/d3 (England) | Downcast
Guizhong Guo (China) | Intimate
Lynda Haney EFIAP EPAGB FBPE (England) | Brothers
Lynda Haney EFIAP EPAGB FBPE (England) | Great Grey Owls in Snow
Bruce Harley EFIAP/b CPAGB BPE4* (Scotland) | Caught in Rasputin’s Web of Lies
Lorna Hayton DPAGB AFIAP (Scotland) | Mr Happy
John Holt MFIAP EFIAP/d3 BPE5* (England) | Memories of Times Past
Oleksii Konchenko AFIAP (Ukraine) | Oxymoron 2
Oleksii Konchenko AFIAP (Ukraine) | Cube
Adrian Langdon ARPS DPAGB (England) | Unstoppable
Sue Lenton CPAGB (England) | Grasstrack Guys
Sue Lenton CPAGB (England) | I’Ll Catch You If You Fall
Jianping Li (China) | Return in the Snow
Min Li (China) | Family of Polar Bears 3
Jianping Liu (China) | Pastoral Song in the Morning
Brian McClure DPAGB EFIAP LRPS BPE5* (Northern Ireland) | Final Lap
Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/d3 MPSA GPUZeus (England) | Red Queen
Thanh Huong Ngo (Vietnam) | Grandma
Sebastian Ionut Prioteasa (Romania) | Home
Jeremy Richards ARPS (England) | Ref Lays Down the Law
Mike Sharples MPAGB MFIAP EFIAP FBPE (England) | We Have Ways Ok
Chris Sidney (England) | Wet Race
Kim Pheng Sim MPSA EFIAP (Singapore) | Chicken Auntie
Michelle Walker BPE1* (England) | Serenity
Michelle Walker BPE1* (England) | The Gaze
Nigel Wells LRPS BPE1* (England) | Rooster Tail
David Wheeler MFIAP EFIAP/d3 BPE5* DPAGB (England) | Lifelong Friends
Robert Williams (England) | Attack!
Peter Yendell LRPS (England) | Wildebeest Migration
Alan Young EFIAP/d3 FRPS ABPE DPAGB (England) | 381 Takes It
Alan Young EFIAP/d3 FRPS ABPE DPAGB (England) | Pulled Hamstring
Digital – Nature
PSA Gold medal – Kunping Chen (China) | Egret-Stop Quarreling
FIAP Gold medal – Kenneth Gillies EFIAP DPAGB (Scotland) | Secretary Blenny in Brain Coral
GPU Gold medal – Peter C Smith CPAGB (England) | Roseate Spoonbill in the Rain
PAGB Gold medal – Jennifer Margaret Webster ARPS EFIAP/g GMPSA BPE5* (England) | Moving the New Cub
PSA Silver medal – Gianpiero Ferrari FRPS EFIAP DPAGB FBPE (England) | Puffball Releasing Spores
FIAP Silver medal – Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/d3 MPSA GPUZeus (England) | Five Wasps Drinking
GPU Silver medal – James Moir ARPS AFIAP (Scotland) | Lapwing Landing
PAGB Silver medal – Gill Brett LRPS DPAGB BPE4* (England) | Mating Blowflies
PSA Bronze medal – Jim Munday EFIAP/g DPAGB BPE3* (England) | Sparrowhawk with Starling
FIAP Bronze medal – Ann Healey FRPS DPAGB EFIAP/g BPE4* (England) | Squabbling Nutcrackers
GPU Bronze medal – Kenneth Gillies EFIAP DPAGB (Scotland) | Anemonefish
PAGB Bronze medal – Keith Worthington DPAGB (England) | Dusting Elephant
Chairmans Award – Adrian Langdon ARPS DPAGB (England) | Musk Ox Grazing on Lichens
BPS Members Award – John Chamberlin FRPS MFIAP FBPE APAGB (England) | Impala at Wtaerhole
Shaun Boycott-Taylor’s Choice > David Myles DPAGB (England) | Common Inkcap
Mike Lane’s Choice > Gillian Marsh (England) | Thresher Shark Portrait
Ian Whiston’s Choice > Jeremy Richards ARPS (England) | Falkland Steamer Duck and Brood
Honourable Mention
Prasenjit Barua (India) | Grey Heron and the Meal
Dave Bowen EFIAP MPAGB FBPE (England) | Griffon Vulture in Horalitic Pose
Sue Critchlow ARPS EFIAP DPAGB BPE5* (England) | Sibling Bear Cubs
Kenneth Gillies EFIAP DPAGB (Scotland) | Spotted Cleaner Shrimp
Koshy Johnson FRPS (England) | Black Headed Ibis and Snake
Robert Millin MFIAP EFIAP/d3 MPSA GPUZeus (England) | Cuckoo About to Land
David Myles DPAGB (England) | Male and Female Marbled Whites on White Marjoram
Gordon Rae (Scotland) | Big Fish Supper
Gordon Rae (Scotland) | Red Throated Diver Stretching
Gary Speer MFIAP (New Zealand) | Laccaria Species
Julia Wainwright FRPS MPAGB BPE4* AFIAP (England) | Male Cheetah Going for the Kill
Keith Worthington DPAGB (England) | Zebra Chasing Hyena